Transform to a solid, future-proof Integration Foundation

How complex are your current integrations?

Reducing the complexity of the integration landscape is a utopia, but we should aim for an increased flexibility of the integration landscape. However point-to-point integration tends to build up over time due to sudden changes in business requirements.

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What is your score in integration maturity?

Do you have a high degree of confidence in the scalability and the sustainability of the integration solution to operate at high load? Or is your integration support team constantly engaged in a cycle of identifying and resolving issues.
Is the current integration solution able to handle future technologies, or do you think that it can only support legacy systems and applications?
Is the current integration solution able to cater to the different integration domains (Cloud – Cloud, Cloud – On-Prem, User- Cloud, thing – Cloud), integration styles (Data Integration, Process Integration, User Integration, Things integration) and business use cases (B2B, B2G, A2A, Master data Integration, Data Replication, Data Virtualization) OR do you have separate products for each requirement?
Do you have a high degree of confidence that the current Integration solution has incorporated SAP best practices and will continue to do so with the new implementation?
Is the integration solution vulnerable to threats? Is the data in rest and the data in motion subject to external threats?
Is the current error-handling mechanism uniform across all integration solutions? Or is integration-specific error handling in place?
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Are you scalable enough?

Enterprise applications integrations are not scalable due to tight integrations (point-to-point integrations). The distributed application landscape causes high dependencies and insufficient flexibility to act quickly to fast-changing demands. It also causes more vulnerabilities within the security of your applications and data integrations. You cannot meet the demands of the business to provide real-time integrations. Poor integration error handling and tracking will occur.

Start thinking about a loosely coupled integrations strategy

So where do you start?

This is where the term “composable business” kicks in.

The concept of the composable business is a central element in this vision. Composable business means creating an organization made from interchangeable building blocks.

Achieving pure CLEAN CORE is a tough challenge for any enterprise that has many custom-code-enabled business processes.

But you can start by going through these 5 steps:

  • Learn how SAP BTP helps you to design a platform that is future-proof and holistic.
  • Find out here how Event Mesh and API Management help you to realize a future-proof integration landscape.
  • Learn about the approach for switching to real-time integrations between SAP and non-SAP.
  • Improve the integration maturity of your organization by constantly innovating with the latest integration solutions.
  • Ensure that the integration solution has SAP best practices in its DNA.
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Start with an Integration exploration and advisory session.

This is what we will cover during our first (online) meeting.
Review your existing Non-SAP and/or SAP landscape.
Insights into lowering your TCO and how SAP BTP will fit into your new infrastructure.
Your current solutions, integrations, business processes and running applications.
How we can inspire and help you with the first steps.

Move to scalable integrations

A one-stop holistic solution

SAP integration suite is one of the foundation services that provides bedrock support for all your organizational processes. It offers a one-stop holistic solution to an extremely wide range of integration problems.

From a traditional service-oriented architecture to an event-driven architecture. It is an API-led strategy for managing complex B2B scenarios, with many unique, distinctive features including support for IoT scenarios, plug-and-play support for many integration problems and tight governance of inter and intra-company integration solutions or centralized API discovery feature, a guaranteed external threat mitigation feature and AI-powered mapping proposals.

All these continuous PLUS SAP innovations and deep investments in the product provide a high degree of confidence to customers to embark on this journey of continuous and rapid improvement and innovation.

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Here are the latest questions from the community about simplifying and scaling your integrations to adapt to fast-changing market conditions.
  • How does SAP BTP lower the dependency on individual developers?
  • How can SAP BTP remove my inflexible tight integrations?
  • How does SAP BTP help me to become future-proof?
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